Sunday 30 March 2008


"Nighnigh Mummy luhyooo *mwah*"

The Monkey has started saying Mummy and it is the sweetest word in the whole English language. Sweeter than the bunches of red roses adorning various surfaces of the house courtesy of LH. 18 months is such a beautiful age, there is independence and tempestuousness but there is still cuddliness and loveliness and baby sweetness. The Monkey's vocab has exploded somewhat lately, as has her comprehension and all around ability.

- Mummy
- Dadden (Daddy)
- Elfling
- Cat
- Dog
- Miaow
- Oeuf (Woof - dogs are French in this household)
- Downstairs
- Drink
- Up
- Bottle
- Narna (Banana)
- Cup
- Uh Oh (used to great effect when she upends her dinner on the carpet)
- I-unno (I don't know - "Monkey where did you put your drink?" "I-unno!")
- Woweeee (when jumping off the back of the couch)
- Weeeee (when sliding down the front of the couch)
- Nappy
- Nightnigh
- Book
- Nose
- Bum though this is more of a noise. Perplexingly often combined with aforementioned weeeeeee.
- Iluhyoo (I love you)
- Duck
- Quack

She can also point to her eyes, ears, nose, hair and belly and loves pulling her top up to show people where it is. She loves to wave bye bye and blow kisses enthusiastically in between. Absolutely no fear and will climb anything climbable and is very very strong. She has started to become clingy for daycare dropoffs and is not enthusiastic when I leave. On Thursday she threw a tantrum such that she threw her beloved baby and ripped off her hat and flung it at the ground while shouting loudly, incensed that I was leaving her. It was not a good start to the day and left me feeling miserable for most of it. According to her carers though she was fine as soon as I left.

She started saying Mummy on Thursday as well, and hearing her call for Mummeee as I climbed into the car just broke my heart. Since she figured it out it has become her favourite word. She will randomly stop whatever she is doing, come over to me, yell out Mummee, pat me on the hand or belly or knee and then run off to whatever else it was she was doing. It is amazing though that someone with 25 words that I can think of off the top of my hat can communicate so well but we're rarely in doubt as to what she wants.

She is my loving, naughty, cheeky monkey, who has started baiting her older sister and then pretending that she didn't know exactly what she was doing by getting her sister in trouble. This makes me a leetle bit concerned about how their future as siblings is going to pan out. But to counterbalance the naughtiness they are also becoming the best of friends. They won't sleep without eachother, they hug eachother all the time, they bring food and drinks to eachother and mostly share beautifully. Watching them have fun (even if it is tobogganing down the laundry pile) makes my heart swell. I adore them both so much. I never believed that it was possible to love three people so much.

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