I am still vomiting. Did I mention that? It's not as bad as it was, it's probably only once every day or so now, but it's still there. Do you know how awful it is to vomit almost every day for 9 months? Or to feel nauseated by regular every day foods for that long?
I have reflux. I've had it before, a bit of indigestion here and there, an "oops, I ate a bit too much dinner" or "ooh shouldn't really eat chocolate". But for the last few nights I've been waking at 3am thinking I'm having a heart attack what with the left sided severe chest pain radiating to my back and down my arm and proceeding to keep me awake until dawn.
I get contractions continuously if I exert myself. Walking around the shops leaves me hobbled over a trolley like a little old woman trying to brace against them.
My boobs hurt and are growing again. Why E cup boobs think they have inadequate milk production potential I have seriously no clue, but theyr'e in overdrive.
Basically I hurt, I leak, I'm not getting any sleep and I still have to deal with other people's poo (thanks Monkey!).
This weekend we had a wedding to go to and I got dressed up and had a nice time, but the best bit was after when Bingley and I drove back to the city and into the reception area of a 5 star hotel. Giant bed with pillow top and fluffy down pillows. Shower with all teh hot water you could ever want and teensy little bottles filled with nummy smelling toiletries.
We watched TV, we watched movies, we walked around the shops (then rested lots so I could stop trying to go into labour) and slept. So much sleeping. Well aside from 3am because apparently even 1000 thread count sheets can't stop reflux. We ate at the buffet breakfast early each morning and went back to bed to have a nap to sleep off the effort. It was so lovely and relaxed and such a perfect way to unwind and shrug off the last vestiges of work and the guilt I'd been feeling about staying at home.
We then went and picked up the girls in the Autumn sunshine and watched as they gamboled over a village green too busy having fun to sit down and have some lunch. I bought them both a lollipop (pink of course) and took a lot of photos some of which you can see on facebook. The Monkey has been delighted to stay home with me, and delighted to go to daycare today and is generally just delightful fullstop. The Elfling had her ballet uniform bought for her yesterday and seriously looked like she might explode from the sheer joy of wearing it. To be fair I felt a bit misty looking at her in her fairy floss confection of a costume.
The Possum is mostly well behaved, if by that one assumes that he has been trying to kickbox his way out of confinement. As I have said to Bingley, it's not him giving me hell, it's my body that's being the traitor, insisting on being ill and having contractions and not closing oesophageal sphincters adequately. I suspect that both the Possum and I will be much happier when he's out.
Anyhow, I missed posting week 36 belly shot so that's here (last day of work!)

And Week 37 at wedding on weekend

Ahh Jen - exactly my thoughts. It's not this boy inside giving me hell either, it's my body being the traitor. I'm experiencing slightly different symptoms but still feel like it's my body letting me down.
You (well, your body!) look so neat and tiny compared my giant bump. Not long until we meet these little guys of ours...
You're looking fabulous, Jenn. I saw the full wedding pic and it's just beautiful. As much as it's been a really hard slog, you really do suit pregnancy.
I can't believe you're 37 weeks already Dr Jenn!!!! I know I've benn a blog-slacker, but 37 weeks?! Where has the time gone?
I'll be hanging out to hear of his arrival and you look gorgeous pregnant - even if you don't feel so hot.
I wish I'd looked as gorgeous as you do at 37 weeks!
Take care, will be openly stalking in here and on facebook for news over the next couple of weeks...
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