Sunday, 2 December 2007

I love she*

The Elfling is 45 months old today. Only a few short weeks until she is 4 years old and I cannot believe where the time has gone. I was watching her yesterday and she twirled in front of the Christmas lights singing "We Wish You a Merry Cwissmass" with her golden pigtails flying and could not believe how big she's become in the last few months. Everytime I blink she's taller and smarter and funnier.

She's curled up on the floor at the moment in front of the Christmas tree like a cat, with her scrapbook open and filled with pictures of fairies with big big eyes and smiling mouths and fuzzy hair. Her days are filled with dancing and madcap exuberant adventures at a frenetic pace and telling stories about fairytales. She loves reading, especially fairytales, and the scarier the story the more she loves it (though she listens behind her hands and snuggles in extra tight when we get to the scariest bits).

She has a silly sense of humour, and is incredibly naughty these days, always trying to argue/debate a better outcome for herself come bathtime/bedtime/waking...She was told that she must not touch the Christmas tree yesterday, but couldn't help herself until we threatened to take it down. At which point she picked up her giraffe and had him pawing the shiny ornaments before turning around and earnestly saying "Giraffe is allowed to touch the Cwissmass tree Mummy". Could not help ut laugh.

Her gymnastics is going fabulously and it's amazing seeing how much poise she has. With her long long arms and legs and taut little belly she looks the role so completely, but she matches it with strength and grace. What started as an activity to get us out of the house is turning into something so much more.

We're going great guns at the writing thing at the moment (not my initiation!) She can write most of her name and can recognise all letters both upper and lower case, as well as numbers up to 10. She gets 1s and ls mixed up quite often though. She is also starting to understand how spelling and words work - and that letters make sounds to make up words. We're not trying to teach her anything, so it's always amazing when she makes a new discovery. Like Monkey starts with the same sound as Mummy so it must start with an M as well.

Her toilet training which went off the rails for a few weeks in there is also completely back to normal as well. She trained about a year ago, but for a while in there (coinciding with me being in my awful stressy month) she was having a LOT of accidents. Now that we're back to regular programming all is good. No idea about night training though - I'm not looking forward to it.

She is so excited about Christmas and Santa Claus and visiting the family and all that the holiday season entails, I can't wait to see her angelic face on Christmas morning, nor to put her to bed on Christmas Eve full of turkey and pudding and let her fall asleep with that joy that only comes from knowing that magic is going to happen while you sleep.

3 and 9 months is a frustrating age, but it's so beautiful at the same time, I am loving her getting older.

*The Elfling doesn't use the pronoun "her" substituting it for "she". I should probably correct her but I love it.

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