Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Andy Warhol

We went to the Andy Warhol exhibit at the GoMA today and had a ball. I have never counted myself as a fan of Warhol and wasn't sure that I would really appreciate the exhibit but I really loved it. Challenging, interesting, thought-provoking. All those things you want an art exhibit to be. The techniques that are so famous (as above) were just one tiny part of the exhibit, I especially loved the silent movies (including the amazing screen tests of famous people from the 60s who AW had sit still in front of the camera to catch emotion) and a fantastic piece called "BlowJob". It really is so raw and honest and unashamedly voyeuristic (much like his famous "Three Marilyns").

The best bit of all though were the kids activities which included the photobooths and the room filled with large, helium filled goon bags gently bumping around the room. Just fantastic. The girls were a bit bored in the exhibition itself but had lots of fun with the kids activities which meant we had mroe fun too. Just a lovely lovely day!

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