Saturday 22 March 2008

All that glitters...

As part of my many faceted plan to handle this next rotation better one of my goals was to spend more time with the girls, and also to do more crafty type stuff (knitting/sewing mostly). So today I decided it would be a good idea to make some Easter cards with the girls. I bought gold cardboard, glitter pens and crayons and we set to work decorating gold Easter eggs for Nana and Grandad.

Obvioulsy I have forgotten why it has been so long that I've done craft with the girls - mostly because it makes a hellish mess and inevitably results in me wearing whatever we were attempting to make. In this case glitter. I sparkle from head to toe. I have glittery eyelashes, I have a sparkle on the end of my nose that I can't wipe off, my chin is bedazzled as is my cleavage. Add a glow in the dark headband and I'd be set for a rave. Or a 5 year old's fairy party.

But the cards look fantastic (simple as - cut egg shape from gold cardboard, colour in then add glitter) and Mum and Dad will love them. The Easter bunny also scored some cards and the dining room table has another layer of unmovable "craft". I've also cut out my bunny feet template ready to put flour all over the carpet tonight and have got Hot Cross Buns for munching on throughout the day.

Hope your Easter is similarly sparkly.

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