Friday 5 November 2010

Plaster and Pus

Today, I:
Listened to many stories
Plastered a Colles fracture
Set up an IV line
Took 2 sets of blood cultures
4 sets of FBCs
4 sets of ELFTs
1 set of ESR/CRP
examined 7 knees and 4 ankles
incised and drained a golf ball sized infected sebaceous cyst
wrote up too many medications to count
read 2 illegible GP referrals
did no stitching
strapped a strained finger
looked at 2x CT, 1x US and around 15 plain films
diagnosed a middle ear infection and wrote up the appropriate antibiotics

Then I drove home listening to my song and then collapsed on the couch. And felt satisfied.

1 comment:

E. said...

Sounds like a productive day.


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