Friday, 22 April 2011


Coming late to the Polly party this week. Partially because I've been working and partially because glasses had me stumped. I have a $4 pair of sunglasses that Bingley calls my Audrey frames, but other than that I have 6/4 vision and get woozy if I try on plain glass frames.I'm just not much of a glasses girl.

But I'm off to the beach next week, and desperately hoping that it is warm and sunny so I can laze about on the sand or on our balcony with a pina colada.So this is what I came up with... and I don't like it much because the proportions are all off and the composition is clunky, but I love that swimsuit, and want all of those shoes.


Amy xxoo said...

I'm looking at this and its screaming - Beach Blanket Bingo! Cute set ( found you via the linky )....

Thea said...



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