Friday 1 April 2011


I came home late again tonight. Another day of working too much and too many hours. I realised I hadn't eaten anything all day bar a single chocolate that had been passed around from a box from a grateful patient. And then I realised I didn't eat anything yesterday either.

The moment I realised was when I was rubbing my tired shoulder and felt a hollow where there was never a hollow before. And now I can't help but keep rubbing it. Angles where I used to be soft. It's so easy not to eat. I am wondering how much is busyness and how much is the delicious control of not eating at all. And I know I should worry about it, but instead I rub my new little hollow.


Unknown said...

Ok, I'm not going to preach to a doctor... but do you think one of the reasons you're getting run down and feeling stressed could be that you're not looking after yourself...?

Can you take some easy snacks with you to work? Nuts, boiled eggs and tinned salmon are all good options.

You don't want to go back to this

Averil said...

Jenn, from a recovered eating disorder survivor...


You need to nourish your body and mind right now, more than ever. Nutrition IS medicine and I'm writing you a script...

xx Avey

PS - Please please put yourself first here Jenn.

hissychick said...

What Ave said (from another who knows)....



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