Sunday 16 March 2008

It's not you, it's me...

Sorry was going to write a Part Four to my exam extravaganza (because of course you were all hanging onto the edge of your seats) but just couldn't muster up any enthusiasm because it's awfully dull. I was first in for my prac exam on Friday afternoon so had no time to get stressed/antipathic. The case scenario was quite straightforward, I was logical/clear/empathetic/professional (as ajudged by my examiner) and in short I passed. So there really wasn't that much more to say. I came home as soon as I could on Friday and collapsed on the couch and watched bad TV with my laptop balanced on my lap. Then I picked up the girls, took them to go have fish and chips, came home, and after putting them to bed sat on my own feeling lonely and anticlimactic (LH was at his monthly poker game).

And that was the end of the story.

So now I'm on holidays and trying to remember what one does when they don't have to go to work every day and stress about studying at night. It's disconcerting! One thing I've realised is that when you're stressed about everything else it's easy to be superficial in your relationships with others, mostly because you don't have the time or the energy to devote to them. But now that I do have both, I am sitting back a bit and trying to work out what's going on. I'm not a superficial relationship person. I am friendly with everyone, so there is nothing special about being polite and interested in people and making small talk. And yet, I find, that when I don't make the effort on my side to actually develop friendships properly, that people are plenty comfortable with slipping in to polite superficial with me. Which says a lot about me and my appeal to others.

It is teh suck to borrow an expression. Part of being composed, and self sufficient and cool/calm/collected is that you don't inspire people to delve deeper. Sometimes I wish I could meet someone like me, who actually digs long past the point where you're supposed to dig to actually get in to me. I've noticed that while people often let me in, it's because I ask the questions, I care about the answers and I push past polite facades. But I get the impression that most people think that that's all there is to me. The facade. I've tried recently just letting it out without prompting, or without people actually seeking it. But I've decided that it's just not me. I can't just blah on - it makes me feel uncomfortable and burdensome. And worse still it reeks of desperation - that no one is interested enough to explore it so I'm just hanging it out there like some pitiable flag.

The uncomfortable realisation though is that I am actually just not very interesting. It's pretty sad that it's taken me til 26 to realise that I'm boring. But enough self pitying shit. I'm on holidays now and all posts henceforth must adopt a more positive and less wallowsome tone. I have some plans for these holidays that so far include
- playing with the girls
- goign to the French Film Festival with a friend
- finishing some knitting projects *blush*
- going to a movie, alone
- posting about Autumn
- cleaning... *vomit*
- finding the imaginative, happy and serene girl that I usually am. Instead of this one. I have decided I don't like her, and I am worried that this blog is partially to blame. She listens too well... no wonder no one else does.

(I really should go to bed instead of posting sometimes... been listening to this song Into Your Hideout which I don't think I would normally like)


cjtato said...

You know what's worse than realising all of that at 26 (apart from realising it over and over again even at the age of 34)?

Trying to explain to your 4 year old why some of her friends treat her the way they do because you've realised that you have made a person who is exactly the same as yourself.

I'm so proud of her for the person she is but I'm sad that her road will be filled with the same realisations.

Glad you passed your exam and hope you enjoy the holidays.

Mary said...

Come to Perth - we'll do coffee.

Anonymous said...

Arrrgh with much frustration I can say that I 'get' you. I think the problem is that the facade appears so real that it is too strong to break down. Who would you really trust to get in deeper anyway? But I know, sometimes having someone pull it down is just what you need. The problem is finding someone who will and someone who wants to.

But no, you are not boring, far far fron it actually.

TheThingsIdTellYou said...

You would have to be one of the least boring women I 'know'. You intrigue me, and I have such a cyber crush. *blush*

I am, however, blown away with the revelation tht you are but 26!

(If you go to Perth to have coffee with Marywin, can I tag along? I think she'd be far too polite to boot me out the door, and I'm just desperate enough to meet you both, I'd totally agree to be the third wheel (hey, isn't Simone in Perth too?).

@workingwomenaus said...

In my (small) opinion, the reason that some people don't delve (I'm talking from personal experience) is the fear of overstepping social boundaries. Out of pure fear of frightening people off with my overzealous direct questions, I tend to ponder about their poitential answers in my daydreams rather than ever voicing them.

I'd love to have the balls to ask what's really swimming around in my mind...

So in short, it's out of fear my friend. It has nothing to do with how interesting you are, because having never even met you, I'd love to have you at my fictitious dinner party of interesting people. You can sit next to Robyn Williams and Randy Pausch. Just the right mix of humour and insight...

Enjoy your much deserved holiday and get knitting!


Nicole S said...

I definitely agree with Kim.
I also don't like to 'waste' peoples time. I sense that you have some very busy periods in your life, and your 'spare' time is finite, so I don't like to impose.
I like you, Jenn. You are most definitely not boring, and I notice, and miss you when you are absent from places.

I'm always kicking around the computer if you need a ear.


Razorback0z said...

Tell them about the bit where you find someone whos willing to dig deeper, then when they do you find it terrifying and run screaming self protection.

Your not dull, your not superficial, your just searching and even worse, your afraid you might find what your looking for.


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